We live in a life that consist of many powers the good and the bad powers, meaning light and darkness, this two powers flow through and flow of the earth, we have always know that nothing good comes easy so the good spirit dose not easily posses man because of the laws that guides it, but the bad once possess every one it can, this are demons that need to enter into a being so they can function their powers through that being, one of the most powerful being in planet earth is human being, this demons are always looking for a loop hole in a human to possess them, they see you every where u go they know you, one of the most easiest way this demon possess humans is through sex making, i came to understand that this demons easily possess women than men because they know they are soft being, Now this is the spiritual effect you get when you have sex with multiple partners, as soon as you start love making with a partner that is posses by demons when you sexual act with this partner you automatically exchange demons, imagine you now having sex with multiple partners expect plenty and plenty of demons this is why when u have sex with someone you started experiencing some problem that u where not facing before you encounter with that partner and also when you have sex with a partner that dose not muti sex you will see after that you will start experiencing good things this is where you say that partner brought you good luck, you can take note of the life of a slot (prostitute) is hardly arrange even after she leaves prostituting it take the grace of God for her to be saved, so fellows i Bravest know is hard to have one sexual partner but you have to know it is better not done than to be done, Now check out men that are very great in life they don't know how to muti sex be-careful fellows and think deeply about this.